Hana Levi Julian24 Elul 5783 – September 9, 2023

PM Netanyahu. July 18, 2023
An international project to link India with Europe is slated to include the Israel and other nations in the Middle East, according to an announcement Saturday night.
“This link will also realize a multi-year vision that will change the face of the Middle East, and Israel, and will affect the entire world,” Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said. “This vision starts in India, passes through the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Israel before reaching Europe.”
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The initial announcement was made earlier in the day by the United States, together with India, Saudi Arabia, the UAE and the European Union, including France, Italy and Germany.
“I am pleased to inform you, citizens of Israel, that our country, the State of Israel, will be a central junction in this economic corridor,” Netanyahu said.
“Our railways and ports will open a new gateway from India, through the Middle East, to Europe, and back – from Europe to India via Jordan, Saudi Arabia and the UAE.”
Netanyahu thanked US President Joe Biden and his administration for “the major effort that has led us to today’s historic announcement,” saying the US had contacted the Israeli government “several months ago” about the project and continued to shepherd the initiative through the diplomatic process.
“Its vision reshapes the face of our region and allows a dream to become reality,” Netanyahu said.
“The initiative includes the construction of railways, the laying of a hydrogen pipeline, the energy of the future, the laying of fiber optic communications cables, the laying of electricity cables and more infrastructure.
“The State of Israel will contribute its capabilities, all of its experience, momentum and commitment, to realize the largest cooperation project in our history. All government ministries will be instructed to join in realizing this dream,” Netanyahu said.
The prime minister added that he has directed the National Security Council, in the Prime Minister’s Office, to coordinate the staff work and also the close cooperation with the US and other countries in order for the vision to become reality “as soon as possible.”
Netanyahu hailed the breakthrough as “news that will lead us to a new, unique and unprecedented era of global and regional cooperation and involvement. Together we will succeed.”
Content retrieved from: https://www.jewishpress.com/news/us-news/israel-to-join-economic-corridor-linking-india-with-middle-east-europe/2023/09/09/.