News Desk2019-11-22

BEIRUT, LEBANON (11:00 A.M.) – Iraqi military expert, retired Lieutenant General Wafiq al-Samarrai, warned on Thursday that the Israeli forces may expand their attacks to Iraq.
According to the site Baghdad Today, Samarrai said, “we are not advocates of war, and not advocates of conflict and hostility,” pointing out that Iraq is not interested in external conflict with Israel.
“But indications point to the possibility of the Israeli leadership making the wrong decisions to target locations in Iraq, thinking that changing the rules of the game, politics and equations in Iraq reinforces their situation,” Samarrai said.
“We hope that Israel will realize this fact, and Iraq should pay attention and not be dragged towards escalation and stay away from the threat,” he added.
The Iraqi Prime Minister Adel Abdul-Mahdi has revealed that investigations into the targeting of a number of military sites belonging to the Popular Mobilization Units (Hashd Al-Sha’abi) proved that Israel was behind these strikes in the Salaheddine Governorate.
Abdel-Mahdi said in statements to Al-Jazeera, “Investigations into the targeting of some of the PMU’s sites indicate that Israel did this.”
In the past months, there have been a series of explosions at weapons depots and bases belonging to the Popular Mobilization Units in Iraq.
According to reports, the United States allowed four Israeli drones to enter the U.S. controlled areas in Iraq to carry out these strikes against Hashd Al-Sha’abi.
The U.S. has denied these allegations.
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