Israel worries Iran-Russia relations will harm Israeli activity in Syria

There is concern that Iran will make Russia stop Israel from taking action in Syria in return for the drones its supplying for Russia’s war in Ukraine.

Published: NOVEMBER 16, 2022 21:30
Updated: NOVEMBER 16, 2022 21:57
Illustrative image of an airstrike. (photo credit: ABED RAHIM KHATIB/FLASH90)
Illustrative image of an airstrike.
(photo credit: ABED RAHIM KHATIB/FLASH90)

The Israeli security system is worried about the cooperation mechanism between Israel and Russia regarding airstrikes in Syria being harmed as a result of the strengthening cooperation between Russia and Iran in the war in Ukraine.

Israel is worried that Tehran will ask Moscow for help against Israeli security activity in Syria in return for the help Iran has given Russia in supplying it with drones.

Sources in Israel’s security have said that so far, there is no change in the mechanism to prevent clashes between Israel and Russia in Syria. In a closed forum, a senior security official said that nothing is stopping the IDF from carrying out attacks in Syria against the Iranian foundation.

“If there is intelligence and an operational opportunity, we carry out a strike,” he said. “This method of action has not changed.”

Despite this, while Iran continues to send drones to Russia, Defense Minister Benny Gantz has instructed that the strengthening ties between Russia and Iran be monitored so as to be alert if a change is made in the Russian stance.

Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan arrives for a news conference with President Hassan Rouhani of Iran and Vladimir Putin of Russia following their meeting in Tehran, Iran September 7, 2018 (credit: Kirill Kudryavtsev/Pool via REUTERS)Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan arrives for a news conference with President Hassan Rouhani of Iran and Vladimir Putin of Russia following their meeting in Tehran, Iran September 7, 2018 (credit: Kirill Kudryavtsev/Pool via REUTERS)

Russia is hesitant – why?

Officials in the security system predict that Iran will demand to buy Russian weaponry as well. A security official said in a closed forum that the Russians prefer to focus on their own troubles at the moment. With downed planes and damaged tanks, they are too busy making weapons for themselves and preparing for the future to give Iran planes and other gear.

The officials also said that the Russians aren’t interested in leaning on Iran too much, especially considering the sanctions placed on Tehran as part of the nuclear deal negotiations. Russia doesn’t want to appear to be cooperating with Iran as part of an evil axis that is aiming for the West. Moscow, where the economic situation is bad enough, is scared of further sanctions issued against it.

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