News Desk2019-12-09

Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (R) and Transportation Minister Yisrael Katz attend the weekly cabinet meeting in Jerusalem September 4, 2016. REUTERS/Ronen Zvulun
BEIRUT, LEBANON (1:00 P.M.) – Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz threatened a military operation against Iran if they crossed a “red line” in the region.
Katz told the Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera Saturday on the sidelines of the Mediterranean Dialogues (MED) conference in Rome.that a potential Israeli attack on Iran was “an option.”
“If Iran crosses the red line, it will discover a unified front between Saudi Arabia, UAE and the United States, which will launch hundreds of Tomahawk missiles at Tehran,” he said.
By the red line, Katz meant, “We will not allow Iran to acquire or stockpile nuclear weapons. If that is the last option – we will act militarily.”
Iran has repeatedly enunciated its nuclear program as exclusively civilian, subject to the most intensive UN supervision ever.
Israel has also warned Iran against further developing their nuclear program, vowing to prevent the Islamic Republic from attaining these weapons of mass destruction.
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