
BEIRUT, LEBANON (3:30 P.M.) – The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) are conducting large-scale military maneuvers at multiple fronts, an army spokesperson announced on Sunday.
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The Israeli army spokesperson, Avichai Adraei, said on Sunday morning that military maneuvers were launched at the general staff level to simulate multi-front fighting, claiming that the readiness to implement multi-front fire activation efforts were raised.
Adraei said in his tweets that the main purpose of the military exercises is to improve cooperation and interaction between the headquarters and the authorities that activate the emergency fire.
The Israeli army spokesman indicated that the maneuvers are taking place to crystallize multi-arm targets and various scenarios, especially cooperation, planning and activation in emergency situations.
The Israeli maneuvers include cooperation between the northern and southern leaderships, land, air and naval forces, as well as the intelligence service.
The Israeli army spokesman noted that the maneuvers will continue until next Wednesday.
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Content retrieved from: https://www.almasdarnews.com/article/israeli-forces-launch-large-scale-military-exercises-across-multiple-fronts/.