News Desk2020-03-26

BEIRUT, LEBANON (8:00 P.M.) – The Israeli army said on Thursday that it managed to shoot down a glidervbelonging to Hezbollah after it penetrated into Israeli airspace.
“This morning, a glider from the terrorist organization Hezbollah, which penetrated from Lebanon into the Israeli airspace, was shot down. The glider is in the possession of the IDF,” said Israel Defense Forces spokesman Avichai Adrai in a statement .
#عاجل جرى صباح اليوم إسقاط طائرة شراعية تابعة لمنظمة #حزب_الله الإرهابية والتي اخترقت من #لبنان إلى داخل المجال الجوي الاسرائيلي. تتواجد الطائرة الشراعية بحوزة قوات #جيش_الدفاع.
— افيخاي ادرعي (@AvichayAdraee) March 26, 2020
Adraie emphasized that “the IDF operates non-stop on all borders of the State of Israel through a multi-level defense system to monitor and intercept air violations.”
“The IDF will continue to thwart attempts by Hezbollah to violate the state’s sovereignty through various defensive and offensive means in order to protect the population of Israel,” he continued.
“The IDF seriously views the incident as a violation of the sovereignty of the State of Israel and considers the Lebanese government responsible for everything that happens from its soil,” he added.
Hezbollah has not commented on these latest accusations.
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