Itching Ears


For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables. (II Tim. 4:3-4)

If I have been deceived, there are REASONS – there are reasons why people believe error rather than the Truth. And it is a fact that those reasons are found in our own hearts. Only through knowing Jesus Christ and giving ourselves to Him can our heart be made pure, and can it be possible for us to avoid deception, and know Truth.

God holds us responsible for the light given to us – He holds us responsible for turning to Him. There are many people who have no light; no knowledge of Christ.

They are unable to believe the Truth because they have yet to be given light. These people are truly blind or ignorant. But this passage is not describing ignorant people who cannot believe. Rather, it is describing people who could believe but refuse to believe. They have enough light to at least turn to God for Truth. But instead, they turn to what satisfies something in their own heart. God tells us, once He gives us light, to simply turn to Him – to come into the Light.

That is faith; it is where anyone who has light can begin. But many have, “turned their ears from the Truth.” Refuse light and you get darkness. Refuse truth and you will live in error. You may even embrace ridiculous fables as if they are Biblical Truth.

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