James 5 “Be a Reflection of God

If we could hear God Himself speaking to us from the book of James the conversation might go like this:

I know the beginning from the end and all that is in between. I want you to model Me before the world. Therefore, be swift to hear, slow to speak and slow to become angry. If you don’t bridle your tongue, what you say about me is worthless because I hear and see you as you speak to visitors and regulars at church. Your words and actions reveal your heart, so speak and act as if I were standing with you. I have heard you speak with forked tongue as you bless and then curse men; this is not my reflection. Also, I hear your conversations and you are speaking against one another. My child, choose your words wisely being careful not to swear but let your yes be yes and your no, no. Use your voice to pray and sing praises to Me for this brings me pleasure.

One day we will face God.

Therefore, be reflections of Him before the world. No matter where you find yourself, mirror God in compassion and mercy to those in need. Reach out to them either practically or praying with and for them. Seek out those who are wandering and draw them back with the love of God. Live by Micah 6:8 ‘promote justice, be faithful, and live obediently before God.’
