Jews Attacked On Streets Of New York City, In Restaurant By Alleged Pro-Palestinian Extremists: Reports

Ryan SaavedraMay 21, 2021

Jews were attacked in a heavily Jewish business district in New York City on Thursday night following the announcement of a ceasefire in the Middle East between Israel and Palestinian terrorists.

“The fight in New York City occurred around the same time as a pro-Israel demonstration on Thursday in New York City that also attracted pro-Palestinian counter-protesters,” The Times of Israel reported. “It took place in the Diamond District, a midtown Manhattan street with many Jewish-owned businesses.”

Videos posted to social media showed extremists yelling “f***ing Zionist” and other similar profanities while holding a Palestinian flag, according to reports. A group of pro-Palestinian extremists, described by one man as “actual terrorists on the streets of New York City,” mobbed a restaurant and spit on patrons because they were Jewish, according to the same man.

“These are not Palestinian terror supporters,” he wrote on Twitter. “These are actual terrorists on the streets of New York City. Attacking diners for one reason. They’re Jewish.”

These are not Palestinian terror supporters. These are actual terrorists on the streets of New York City. Attacking diners for one reason. They’re Jewish.

— Avi Kaner (@AviKaner) May 21, 2021

The attacks on Jews continue.

Pro-Palestinian protestors throw a bottle and spit on Jews eating in New York.#EndJewHate #Antisemitism

— Ari Ingel (@OGAride) May 21, 2021

Earlier this afternoon on 47th St (the Diamond District), Palestinians attacking Jews

— Daniel Rubin (@DanielYRubin) May 20, 2021
Other videos showed large fireworks being discharged near large crowds of people, which sent people running. The New York Post reported that a 55-year-old woman experienced burns on her back.

The Post added:
Footage, posted to Twitter by freelance reporter Oliya Scootercaster, showed a pro-Israel demonstrator getting socked in the stomach after attempting to chase down a man who snatched an Israeli flag from his hands. More punches were thrown in tussles between the two sides as NYPD officers stepped in to separate them, according to the clip.

The video later showed a pro-Palestine protester being put in handcuffs after he tried to run after a man who grabbed his Palestinian flag. Multiple arrests were made. Law enforcement sources said that at least 19 people were taken into custody.

Breaking: Palestinian protestors throw explosive device at Jewish Americans working at New York’s diamond district in Manhattan.

— Reagan Battalion (@ReaganBattalion) May 21, 2021

Palestinians threw a mini firebomb at Jews in New York City moments ago.

— Dov Hikind (@HikindDov) May 20, 2021
Anti-Defamation League (ADL) CEO Jonathan Greenblatt said in a statement: “Disturbing videos appear to show vile verbal assaults and fireworks directed at Jews. Other reports of violence are coming in. We are in touch with law enforcement. While we await more information, let’s be clear: targeting Jews is #antisemitism.”

“Frightening attacks on Jews in Times Square of #NYC this evening,” The ADL’s New York branch tweeted. “Many arrests made. Working with @NYPDHateCrimes and @NewYorkFBI , as well as elected officials and the local Jewish community. Violence is absolutely unacceptable.”

Frightening attacks on Jews in Times Square of #NYC this evening. Many arrests made. Working with @NYPDHateCrimes and @NewYorkFBI, as well as elected officials and the local Jewish community. Violence is absolutely unacceptable.

— ADL New York / New Jersey (@ADL_NYNJ) May 21, 2021
The Los Angeles Police Department is investigating an anti-Semitic hate crime from earlier this week where Jewish diners were attacked at a sushi restaurant.

“We have to recognize this for what it is: It’s anti-Jewish and anti-Semitic,” Mayor Eric Garcetti said. “You have to be specific and say what it is.”

“In a video capturing part of the episode, multiple cars proceed slowly down the busy street in front of the restaurant, which is near several synagogues and Jewish schools,” The New York Times reported. “A man with a megaphone shouts slogans like ‘Israel kills children’ from one of the cars, before multiple men leave their vehicles to confront diners on the sidewalk outside the restaurant. A fight breaks out, and one man swings a heavy stanchion at the attackers. At least one person was injured.”

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