Joint Egyptian military drills with Jordan, UAE, Bahrain are regional gamechanger

Together these four countries, with support from Saudi Arabia and links to Greece and Cyprus, increasingly look like a bloc of countries that share views and are a kind of alliance.


NOVEMBER 19, 2020 10:45
NO OTHER area in the world has so many complex conflicts than the Middle East (photo credit: WALLPAPER FLARE)
NO OTHER area in the world has so many complex conflicts than the Middle East (photo credit: WALLPAPER FLARE)

Joint training taking place in Egypt between 15-17 November with Jordan, Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates and Egyptian armed forces are a major leap forward for the joint role these countries play in regional security and stability.

Together these four countries, with support from Saudi Arabia and links to Greece and Cyprus, increasingly look like a bloc of countries that share views and are a kind of alliance. Joint military training is key to maintain that.

According to reports the training is called Saif al-Arab, the sword of the Arabs. According to the Saudi Gazette Sudan is also participating and Riyadh is observing. Training takes place at the Mohamad Naguib base in northern Egypt.

Arab News also reported that Egypt and Sudanese aircraft conducted a joint air exercise called Nile Eagles 1 at Sudan’s Marwa base near Khartoum. This is an important drill and will continue until November 26. Considering the security challenges in the region and Sudan’s current transitional government, this training helps Sudan and Egypt work more closely.

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