BEIRUT, LEBANON (10:00 P.M.) – Retired Israeli diplomat, Ilan Baker, who participated in drafting the peace agreement with Jordan, said that the Kingdom has no legal capacity to cancel the agreement with Israel unless it fights a war with it.
He explained in a document issued by the “Jerusalem Center for Public and State Affairs” in Israel that “the peace relationship between the two countries is stipulated in Article 2 of the peace treaty, and includes mutual recognition of sovereignty and territorial integrity, and the political independence of both parties.”
“The peace treaty does not have an expiration date, and it can only be canceled by aggressive action or declaration of war by one of the parties, which means that the essence of the agreement will be canceled,” he said.
Baker continued, “It is highly doubtful that Jordan has any interest in taking such a step, especially since the annexation in the West Bank, even if it is unilateral, does not constitute an act of aggression against its sovereignty or territorial integrity. Moreover, since Jordan ruled the West Bank from 1948 to 1967, the peace agreement expressly states that it does not apply to the West Bank.
On Friday, Jordanian Prime Minister Omar Al-Razzaz said that the kingdom will not accept unilateral Israeli measures to annex Palestinian lands in the occupied West Bank, and that “we will be forced to reconsider the relationship with Israel.”
Prior to Al-Razzaz’s statement, King ‘Abdullah II of Jordan warned of severe consequences if Israel annexed the West Bank, a move that he said could lead to a “massive confrontation.”
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