Just As I Am ~ Hymn Story

In 1828, at the age of 32, Charlotte Elliott suffered a serious illness that left her an invalid. This caused depression, and a severe spiritual crisis. A Swiss evangelist was visiting her family, and she told him that she didn’t know how to come to Christ. He told her, “Come to him just as you are.” Her depression continued, however. Twelve years later, she was still distressed by her uselessness as an invalid.  She decided she needed to meet her spiritual troubles head on and conquer them by the grace of God.  She wrote down her own formula of faith,  remembering those words of the visiting evangelist. In the end she had the words to the hymn known as “Just As I Am”.

In Billy Graham’s own words:
When I was converted in 1937, under the ministry of the evangelist Mordecai Hamm, two invitation songs were used and a total of eight stanzas were sung. I did not respond to the invitation until the final verse of the second song, and I have always been grateful that the evangelist waited so patiently. One of those hymns was “Just As I Am, Without One Plea”. 

Billy used this hymn at most all of his crusades as people came forward to give their lives to Jesus. A woman who felt useless, penned the words to this hymn that have touched millions of lives. Billy Graham’s autobiography is titled “Just As I Am”.

It truly amazes me how God works in our lives. All we have to do is have a willing heart and follow His leading. What do you enjoy doing? Do you write poetry; music; devotions? Are you artistic; do you cook? I enjoy making digital graphics with scripture and hymns, and I enjoy photography and vintage images. Piano, Hymns, and scripture were instilled in me from the time I was a toddler. God had plans for all of this. One of His plans is right here in this online ministry – Little Birdie Blessings.

Who am I to be used by God? I’m a nobody. Poor life choices kept me from college. Ill health, insecurities and anxiety gave me a feeling of uselessness, just like Charlotte Elliott.

If God can use a “useless invalid” like Charlotte Elliott, He can use us. Ask Him how He can use you and your gifts/talents.

God doesn’t call the qualified, 


he qualifies the called. 

I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.
John 15:5

Thank you dear ones for visiting. Feel free to save this hymn graphic and use for personal or ministry use.
