Large Russian transport ship heads to Syria with tanks and armored vehicles: photos

By News Desk 2019-11-24
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BEIRUT, LEBANON (10:45 A.M.) – A large Russian landing ship from the Russian Black Sea Fleet has entered Mediterranean waters after transiting the Bosphorus Strait, the Turkish maritime observer Yoruk Isik reported this week.

According to Isik, the large landing ship, Azov 151, was spotted crossing the Bosphorus Strait for the Mediterranea.

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As pointed out after taking several pictures of the ship, it was likely carrying several tanks and armored personnel carriers (APC).

#RussianNavy #ВМФ Project 775 #ЧФ BSF Black Sea Fleet 197th Landing Ship Brigade’s Ropucha class landing ship Azov 151 transited Bosphorus towards Mediterranean en route to #Tartus #Syria heavily laden, likely carrying tanks and/or APCs.

— Yörük Işık (@YorukIsik) November 23, 2019

This is the third time Azov has gone to Syria in the last two months and the fifth during the year.

The Black Sea Fleet rescue ship “Shakhtior” arrived in the Mediterranean early last. It appears the Russian military is building up the Syrian Armed Forces as they prepare to launch the next phase of their Idlib offensive.





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