Lebanese President discusses timetable of disarming Hezbollah

ByNews Desk-2020-08-19


Lebanese President Michel Aoun

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BEIRUT, LEBANON (11:45 A.M.) – Lebanese President Michel Aoun discussed during an interview with an Italian newspaper, the timetable for disarming Hezbollah, stressing that the idea of ​​disarming the party will take place after Israel stops its attacks on Lebanon.

Aoun was asked, in an interview with the Corriere della Sera newspaper, about the protester demands in Lebanon to disarm the party.

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President said that “when the conflict is resolved, Hezbollah give its weapons as a gift to the Lebanese army.”

The Lebanese President pointed out that “there has been no problem between Hezbollah and the army or civilians, except for the May 7, 2008 incident, which was due to an attempt to hit the party internally by cutting off its internal communication network.”

Regarding his relationship with Hezbollah, President Aoun said that he made an understanding with the party in 2005 and not a partisan merger.

He said he may disagree with Hezbollah on internal matters, but when Israel intends to occupy parts of Lebanon and kill their fighters on Lebanese soil, every Lebanese citizen must stand by the party against the aggressors.

Content retrieved from: https://www.almasdarnews.com/article/lebanese-president-discusses-timetable-of-disarming-hezbollah/.