BEIRUT, LEBANON (8:30 P.M.) – Lebanon lodged a formal complaint to the United Nations this week, following Israel’s use of Lebanese airspace to attack Syria’s Homs Governorate.
“The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Emigrants has filed a complaint before the UN Security Council in New York over the dangerous Israeli violation of Lebanese sovereignty, after three Israeli aircraft bombed Syrian sites from the Lebanese airspace, which represented a threat to Lebanese civilians,” the ministry said in a statement released on Thursday.
“This violation comes at a time when the entire world is facing the threat of the spread of the coronavirus pandemic,” it added.
The Lebanese foreign ministry then urged the Security Council to “put a permanent end to the Israeli violations,” noting that “Israel violates the Lebanese aerial, maritime and territorial sovereignty on a daily basis.”
Israel often violates Lebanese airspace with their fighter and reconnaissance aircraft, despite complaints from the Lebanese authorities about the violation of the small Levantine country’s territorial integrity.
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Content retrieved from: https://www.almasdarnews.com/article/lebanon-lodges-complaint-to-un-over-israels-use-of-lebanese-airspace-to-attack-syria/.