Libya willing normalize relations with Israel once Palestinian issue is resolved: FM

News Desk2019-12-01

BEIRUT, LEBANON (10:30 P.M.) – The Hebrew-language newspaper Maariv interviewed the Benghazi-based Libyan Foreign Minister ‘Abdul-Hadi Al-Huweij on Sunday to discuss a number of topics, including his country’s future relationship with Israel.

Al-Huweij told the newspaper that Libya hopes to normalize relations with Israel, if the Palestinian issue is resolved.

Furthermore, Al-Huweij said that General Khalifa Haftar had confirmed to him in Paris that his country hopes to establish relations with Israel in the near future.

Al-Huwaij made it clear that his country is an Arab country and they are a member of the Arab League. He said Libya is committed to the U.N. resolutions regarding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and will continue to support the rights of the Palestinian people.

According to Al-Huwaij, his country supports regional peace and combating terrorism. However, he slammed Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan after accusing him of selling arms to the Tripoli-based Government of National Accord.

The Libyan Foreign Minister added that what concerns Turkey is oil, terrorism and the sale of weapons.

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