Libyan Army vows to repel any Turkish military attack, willing to battle in Mediterranean

News Desk2019-12-21



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BEIRUT, LEBANON (11:20 A.M.) – The Libyan National Army (LNA), led by Field Marshal Khalifa Haftar, said on Saturday that they will repel any attack by the Turkish military.

According to Saudi state-owned Al-Arabiya TV, the Libyan National Army announced that it was “able to repel any Turkish aggression, and that its navy would take the battle to the Mediterranean.”

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For his part, the spokesman for the General Command of the Libyan Army, Ahmed Al-Mismari, warned Turkey against trying to open bridges of military supply in Libya, threatening to destroy any party that would provide support to Turkey inside Libya.

“We previously detected targets that threaten security in Misrata and warned about its danger, and yesterday night we targeted these sites for the militias in Misrata with a large number of raids, as we destroyed a site for air defense missiles and reconnaissance radars in Misrata,” he said.

He accused the city of Misrata of paving the way for the Turkish invasion into Libya, noting that the air strikes carried out by the Libyan army’s Selag air force are a message to Misratan entities to withdraw their militias from Tripoli within 3 days, and the time limit for the withdrawal of the Misrata militias from Tripoli will end midnight next Sunday. .

“We reject the Turkish invasion and we will resist it if it happened with full force, and we will not stop our raids on Misrata,” he added.



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