Libya’s Haftar says all Turkish soldiers are legitimate targets

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BEIRUT, LEBANON (10:10 P.M.) – The commander-in-chief of the Libyan National Army, Field Marshal Khalifa Haftar, called for targeting every Turkish soldier and every mercenary on Libyan soil, considering that they are legitimate targets.

Haftar ordered both officers and commanders on all axes and soldiers to continue the fighting, saying, “You are fighting a holy war that is open on all fronts.”

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He continued, during an audio recording directed at officers and soldiers of the General Command and carried by the Libyan Gateway to the Center, “You are fighting a comprehensive war in which there is nothing but victory, as we are used to in all our battles against terrorism.”

“We will fight and fight until we return the Turkish colonizer,” he continued.

Haftar called on the officers and soldiers of the General Command to target all everyone “who trampled our land to occupy it and every mercenary and every traitor agent who sold the homeland to the colonizer and sided with the row of aggression,” noting that “the legitimate aim of your missile fire does not take you with mercy or compassion.”

Turkey has previously warned the Libyan National Army and their commander that any attacks on Turkish interests will not be tolerated.


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