Life From Death


Life From Death

If thou be the Son of God, come down from the cross. (Matt. 27:40)

Natural thinking insists that in order to LIVE we must come down from our Cross. But the Truth is, in order to LIVE we must die on the Cross and be raised. Jesus said as much “Whoever would save His life will lose it. But whoever would lose His life for My sake will find it.” (Matt. 16:24)

Grasp this Truth and your entire Christian life will be changed. You will stop asking God to help you save your life for yourself – you will stop trying to do what you think will get God to bless YOUR life. God is not going to bless the life He tells you to lose. Instead, you will ask God to do whatever it takes to bring you into the Truth of these things. You will eventually want to lose your life because you will know that it is contrary to His life — and losing it the pathway to resurrection life in Christ.

Of course, it is so easy to focus on LOSS. It is easy to fear that some terrible thing is going to happen if you trust God. But faith is never a mistake. If we lose our lives for Jesus’ sake, initially it will not be enjoyable to our religious flesh and self-righteousness – death never is – but what we will find is Jesus Christ and all that is in Him.

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