October 22, 2023

The crowd chanted Islamic texts in front of a large banner reading “Muslim Armies! Rescue the People of Palestine.”
By World Israel News Staff
A radical Islamist group lead a pro-Palestinian rally in London on Saturday, urging Muslims around the world to united in a global jihad against Israel and calling for Islamic armies to invade the Jewish State.
Hizb ut-Tahrir openly operates in the United Kingdom, but is designated as a terrorist organization and banned by Islamic countries including Saudi Arabia and Pakistan.
Footage circulating on social media of the event showed the crowd chanting Islamic texts in front of a large banner reading “Muslim Armies! Rescue the People of Palestine.”
A speaker at the rally was heard referring to Israel as the “Zionist entity” and asking the crowd how to “liberate people from the concentration camp of Palestine?”
Attendees responded by screaming the word “Jihad.”
London: At a sex-segregated pro-Palestine rally today outside the Turkish embassy, the Islamist protesters chanted for Muslim societies to mobilize their “Muslim armies” for jihad against Israel. The rally was organized by Hizb ut-Tahrir, a radical group banned by many countries… pic.twitter.com/gi5V38XOuK
— Andy Ngô ️ (@MrAndyNgo) October 21, 2023
British police swiftly dismissed concerns regarding the rally, saying that they had “assessed the video and have not identified any offenses arising from the specific clip.”
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The authorities denied that the use of the word “jihad” was illegal in this context, though they acknowledged that the term “has a number of meanings but we know the public will most commonly associate it with terrorism.”
Notably, last week British police harassed a Jewish group who were standing by a parked car in London, which was displaying the pictures and images of Israelis kidnapped by Hamas.
One officer was seen physically restraining a Jewish activist who asked what was illegal about the demonstration.
In a laconic statement after the confrontation, the police claimed that they were attempting to prevent an outbreak of public violence.
They asserted that Hamas and pro-Palestinian supporters would possibly attack Jewish activists associated with the display.
The police did not explain why they chose to crack down on the Jewish activists, rather than protect them from potential perpetrators of pro-Palestinian violence.
British JewsHizb ut-TahrirHizb ut-Tahrir BritainLondonLondon terrorUK Jewish CommunityUnited Kingdom
Content retrieved from: https://worldisraelnews.com/london-terror-rally-calls-for-jihad-islamic-invasion-of-israel/.