In John’s Gospel, chapter 6, we read about the multitudes who followed Jesus to get bread for themselves. Jesus did not perform the miracle of the loaves and fishes solely to feed them physically, but that was all they could see at the time and they wanted Him to do it again and again. But His reason for that miracle was to illustrate the most vital matter of relationship to Himself and the Father. They were interpreting what he did from a natural, physical point of view. He was speaking that which was spirit and life…out from heaven as a source. He said that it was an absolute necessity to “eat His flesh and to drink His blood”, the flesh being His life and the blood, His death. It is as Paul says in Galatians 2:20: “I am crucified with Christ, nevertheless I live, yet not I but Christ lives in me….” This is the only way to come to see what the Lord means by what He says. Otherwise, we are left with what the multitudes had which was their own natural point of view of spiritual things. If we continue to ask the Lord to ‘do what ever it takes’ to bring us in greater and greater measure into His life as our own, He will be faithful to do it. It is what He desires. It is not an instant thing, as we well know, but as we continue on with Him, we will begin to see with spiritual sight what He means by what He says.