MASSIVE EXPLOSION outside Tehran reportedly rocks military base or research site (PHOTOS, VIDEOS)

MASSIVE EXPLOSION outside Tehran reportedly rocks military base or research site (PHOTOS, VIDEOS)
Videos that appeared on social media showed a major explosion outside Tehran, fueling speculation of an attack against a military base, a research site, or a power plant. Details remain a mystery so far.

Rumors initially said the explosion took place at a power station in Sarkh Hasar, east of Tehran, and that similar explosions took place in Shiraz, in southern Iran, prompting speculation of a cyber attack.

مشاهد متداولة لانفجار كبير في منطقة برديس شرق العاصمة الإيرانية طهران من دون أي تفاصيل أو تأكيد رسمي للخبر .

— Rαɱα🦋 (@Ram7Leb) June 25, 2020

Closer view of explosion that occurred this evening in #Tehran, #Iran.

— Joe Truzman (@Jtruzmah) June 25, 2020

Others suggested an explosion at an ammunition depot in Paradis, citing Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) chatter on the messaging app Telegram.

Massive explosion east of #Tehran in an area that looks like full of research facilities! The explosion is massive and the brightness of the aftermath indicate a major incident!

— Aimen Dean (@AimenDean) June 25, 2020

#Breaking#NOW A violent explosion rocked the Iranian capital, #Tehran. Activists talk about targeting a military site of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, east of the

— Eva J. Koulouriotis – إيفا كولوريوتي (@evacool_) June 25, 2020

New York Times journalist Farnaz Fassihi cited reports that the explosion happened in Parchin, “a military base where Iran has conducted nuclear activity.”

They posted this locator map:

— Farnaz Fassihi (@farnazfassihi) June 25, 2020

The explosion happened around 2 am local time, just half an hour after US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo tweeted about new US sanctions against Iran.

Our maximum pressure campaign on the Iranian regime continues. Today, we are sanctioning nine entities for their connections to Iran’s metals sector. Iran’s leaders must stop squandering resources to support proxies abroad while Iranians suffer.

— Secretary Pompeo (@SecPompeo) June 25, 2020

Another video shows a fireball turning the night sky briefly red.

BREAKING: There are videos circulating of what appears to be an explosion in Pardis, south Tehran, tonight. This video, I think, was shot in Bame Tehran, north of the city. You can clearly see what appears to be a fireball that turns the sky red

— Shayan Sardarizadeh (@Shayan86) June 25, 2020

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