
BEIRUT, LEBANON (12:20 P.M.) – A massive U.S. military convoy reportedly arrived in western Iraq this week amid recent attacks carried out near their installations inside the country.
According to Al-Sumaria TV, the U.S. military convoy consisted of 500 vehicles that entered Iraq from neighboring Jordan.
The U.S. military convoy reportedly reached their final destination at the ‘Ayn Al-Assad Base in Iraq’s Al-Anbar province.
No further details were released regarding the alleged U.S. military convoy.
Last week, a rocket attack was reported near the ‘Ayn Al-Assad Base in the Heet District of Al-Anbar – no one claimed responsibility for the projectile fire.
Since then, at least two more attacks were reported near U.S. military installations in Iraq, with the most recent taking place around the Baghdad International Airport.
The ‘Ayn Al-Assad Base is the second largest installation under the U.S. military’s control in Iraq; it was previously under attack by the Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL/IS/Daesh) terrorist organization for three years before their defeat in late 2017.
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Content retrieved from: https://www.almasdarnews.com/article/massive-us-military-convoy-arrives-base-in-western-iraq-media/.