Memories of Things to Come – by Pete Garcia

Remember the former things of old,
For I am God, and there is no other;
I am God, and there is none like Me,

Declaring the end from the beginning,
And from ancient times things that are not yet done,
Saying, ‘My counsel shall stand,
And I will do all My pleasure Isaiah 46:9-10

There used to be a time when you could leave your front door unlocked at night. There used to be a time when folk generally aimed to be nice to each other. When a dollar was worth a dollar. When schools not only taught the three “R’s”, but the civic duties that afforded us the privilege of being American. When schools allowed prayers and the Ten Commandments hung ever mindful on the walls. There was actually a time, when politicians could generally be trusted to do what was in the best interest of our nation. We used to be like that, not many decades ago, but now, those days seem like some mythical, innocent age in a faraway land.

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