
BEIRUT, LEBANON (11:20 A.M.) – Iran confirmed on Thursday, that the recent explosions and fires inside the country are not related to sabotage operations or cyber attacks.
According to the Fars News Agency, who quoted the statements of the Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman, Abbas Mousavi, reported that “the country’s infrastructure is subject to thousands of cyber attacks daily and most of them are thwarted.”
However, Mousavi pointed out that these cyber attacks are not responsible for the recent rise in explosions and fires across the Islamic republic.
Mousavi continued, “The Iranian defense system is thwarting most of these attacks, and the enemies have not achieved their main goals from them,” pointing out that “the countries and entities that support, lead and carry out these attacks, most of them launched by the American administration, have been identified.”
The Iranian Foreign Ministry pointed out that the issue of cyber attacks is worrisome to the whole world and the international community must respond appropriately to them, and considered that it must respond appropriately to these crimes and to violate international laws.
Mousavi ended his statement saying: “As the U.S. President Donald Trump ordered the implementation of these attacks, the US administration is going to be accused of any future attack on Iran, and Iran ‘s right to defend itself by all means available to Alseperanih attacks if they occur.
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