Naked and Ashamed


And the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they were naked….and Adam said, “I was afraid, because I was naked; and I hid myself.” (Gen. 3:7-10)

BEFORE his sin, Adam was naked but unashamed. God created him to BE naked but unashamed. But AFTER his sin, Adam was naked but ashamed. Thus, the sin did not change the nakedness. Rather, the sin changed Adam – he was no longer unashamed — but ashamed, and afraid.

The reason for Adam’s fear was that he was no longer one with God. God had been the source of all life for him before the sin – thus, despite being naked, he was unashamed. He was fully completed by God and without fear. But after the sin, Adam was all alone in his nakedness. He had declared independence from God and that is exactly what he got – he was alone and afraid, without resource for life. Or, to put it another way, Adam was now spiritually dead. He was utterly self focused and preoccupied, indeed, tormented, by his condition.

This is man in Adam – naked and ashamed – without realizing what is actually wrong with himself: He is separated from God. Ever since, the human race has tried to do exactly what Adam tried to do: Fix ourselves, cover ourselves, and make ourselves presentable — with some form of FIG LEAVES. Fig leaves come in all shapes and sizes: Addictions, self-help, and even religious self-righteousness. Fig leaves are whatever we use instead of Jesus Christ. But the only solution is that we must once again be made one with God as our life. Jesus Christ has restored this relationship in Himself.

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