Netanyahu and Gantz: Hamas will pay a heavy price

May 11, 2021 @ 23:14

Jontly addressing the nation, PM Binyamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Benny Gantz said Hamas and Islamic Jihad would pay a heavy price for their attacks on Israel. “Their blood is on their heads!” said Netanyahu and stressed: “We are in the middle of a tough campaign.”  Gantz: “We have struck hundreds of terrorist targets will many more to go. We will restore peace and security for the long term,” he said, stressing the need for national unity. Their brief words came before equally short comments by IDF chief Lt. Gen. Aviv Kochavi and Shin Bet security services director Nadav Argamon. The general said: “We have struck 500 targets, killed scores of terrorist activists and destroyed infrastructure. We are ready to expand this operation if need be.” Argaman: “No country in the world would allow its civilian population to be subjected to a campaign of rocket attacks.

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