Netanyahu in Passover Greeting: Story of the Jewish People ‘Has No Parallel’

by Algemeiner Staff



Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu speaks as he meets with US Vice President Mike Pence in Warsaw, Poland, Feb. 14, 2019. Photo: Reuters / Kacper Pempel / File.

Newly re-elected Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu issued a Passover greeting in a video published on social media on Friday, ahead of the start of the Jewish spring holiday.

“Citizens of Israel, Jewish brothers and sisters around the world, each year on Seder night, I am deeply moved,” Netanyahu said. “Passover touches upon the roots of our national identity. Thousands of years ago we raised the banner of freedom and liberty. We went from slavery to freedom, from subjugation to independence. We began our long journey from Egypt to our home — Zion and Jerusalem.”

“The incredible story of our people has no parallel,” he continued. “Even in bitter exile, under unbearable conditions, we maintained our unique identity. We did not surrender. We kept our faith. Generation after generation, we read in the Haggadah, ‘Next year in Jerusalem!’ We held on to our hope. And that hope, my friends, became reality.”

Watch Netanyahu’s message below:

Each year at the Seder table, I am deeply moved. Passover touches upon the roots of our national identity. Thousands of years ago we raised the banner of freedom and liberty. We went from slavery to freedom, from subjugation to independence.

Happy Passover!

— PM of Israel (@IsraeliPM) April 19, 2019
Israeli President Reuven Rivlin tweeted:

Happy Pesach from @PresidentRuvi !

— Reuven Rivlin (@PresidentRuvi) April 19, 2019

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