Netanyahu on sovereignty: Everything will be fine

Before taking off from Washington to Moscow, the PM refused to answer Arutz Sheva’s question about applying sovereignty.

Yoni Kempinski, Washington, 29/01/20 23:40

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu took off on Wednesday evening from Washington on his way to a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow.

Before take-off, Netanyahu was asked by Arutz Sheva what had happened to the vision of annexation and sovereignty and would only reply, “Everything will be fine.”

Earlier it was reported that the sense of euphoria within the right-wing camp after the publication of Trump’s “Deal of the Century” was waning, and that contrary to previous reports, the proposal to apply sovereignty in Judea and Samaria and the Jordan Valley will not be voted upon in the coming days.

Senior US officials who are holding briefings with journalists and Jewish community leaders in the United States are conveying messages stating that the implementation of the sovereignty phase of the Deal of the Century should occur after thinking and consulting, and not quickly.

Former US Special Envoy Jason Greenblatt gave a briefing on Wednesday to the North American Jewish Federations on the peace plan and said that until the elections for the 23rd Knesset “there will be no progress on the plan. We will have to wait and see. There is still much work to be done with the Israeli government, but the Israelis are quite united on this issue.”

US Ambassador to Israel David Friedman said in a conversation with political reporters that a joint committee will be set up between the countries to jointly plan the process of applying Israeli law in Judea and Samaria. He noted that the process “requires some time”.

Senior officials in the right-wing camp fear that sovereignty will not be implemented if Netanyahu wants to postpone it until after the elections. “There are opportunities that must not be missed, and such is the opportunity we received this week from the world’s greatest superpower. We need to apply sovereignty next week to the Jordan Valley and all the Israeli communities in Judea and Samaria,” the senior officials said.

An official in Netanyahu’s entourage told journalists in Washington that “the Prime Minister’s Office is working diligently to prepare the decision. This is a complex operation that includes, among other things, maps and aerial photographs and we hope to complete it as soon as possible.”

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