Netanyahu: The Hague will not deter us from building in the West Bank

The PM was speaking Wednesday at the Kohelet Policy Forum conference in Jerusalem.


JANUARY 8, 2020 11:23
US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu meet in Jerusalem, October 18 2019 (photo credit: AMOS BEN-GERSHOM/GPO)

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that “anyone who tries to attack us will suffer the most overwhelming blow.

“We stand firm in front of our soul seekers,” he continued.

The PM was speaking Wednesday at the Kohelet Policy Forum conference in Jerusalem.

He also said that Israel is completely behind the United States.

“America has no better friend than Israel, and Israel has no better friend than the United States,” the PM said. “In recent years, the Trump-led US administration has shown that fairness, justice and the truth stand before their eyes. I thank them with all my heart.”

During his remarks he noted that there is almost no Arab state with which Israel does not have a relationship.

“We are strong and we are strengthening,” he said. “Thanks to our power, our relationship with the Arab world is undergoing dramatic changes.”

He then spoke about the Jewish presence in Judea and Samaria. He said that he remembered how excited he was a soldier navigating the area, the first time he saw the places he learned about in the Bible: Hebron, Shiloh and the D

I remember the huge excitement that struck me as a soldier in a tanker cruiser navigating Judea and Samaria, and we first saw all the places we learned about in the Bible, Hebron and Sheila and the Dothan Valley.

“Decades before the Six-Day War, Jews lived in Judea and Samaria,” he told the crowd. “I will not uproot any Jewish settlement in any future agreement. There will be no displacement of Jewish settlers, so long as it depends on me.

“We have never lost our right to live in Judea and Samaria,” he continued. “The only thing we lost was the ability to exercise our right – temporarily.”

He said Jerusalem will not be divided, noting that the communities in Judea and Samaria strengthen the Israeli economy for Jews and Arabs alike.

“We must take advantage of this historic opportunity,” he said, referring to the support of the United States for the Jewish settlements. “We must not let it pass.”

He said that, “The hills of Samaria are key to our control of the entire country” and if we do not hold onto them, Islamic fanatics will take them over.

He added that Criminal Court in The Hague “will not deter us from building in the settlements.”

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