Netanyahu: We’re in the midst of a campaign, don’t mess with us

PM addresses Operation Shield and Arrow during security Cabinet meeting.

Israel National NewsMay 9, 2023, 6:39 PM (GMT+3)
Netanyahu at Cabinet meeting

The political-security Cabinet convened this evening (Tuesday) to discuss Operation Shield and Arrow and the possibility that the terrorist organizations in the Gaza Strip will launch a significant response to the assassination of three Islamic Jihad leaders overnight.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said at the start of the meeting: “Last night we embarked on Operation Shield and Arrow. In a joint effort, the IDF and the Shin Bet eliminated the three senior members of the Islamic Jihad organization in the Gaza Strip. These murderers are responsible for firing rockets from Gaza into our territories and directing terrorism from Judea and Samaria against our citizens. On the day the rockets were fired last week, I and the Minister of Defense ordered our forces to prepare an operation to defeat the terrorist leaders, one which has actually amputated the organization’s leadership in the Gaza Strip.”

“Our working principle is incisive and clear: Whoever harms us will be harmed, and with greater force. Our long arm can reach every terrorist at the time and place of our choosing,” Netanyahu said. “We are in the midst of a campaign, and we are prepared for any eventuality. I suggest to our enemies – do not mess with us.”

During the meeting, National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir demanded that the government continue to carry out targetted and pre-emptive strikes against terrorists in Gaza. Shas chairman MK Aryeh Deri and Knesset Foreign Affairs and Security Committee Chairman Yuli Edelstein attended the meeting as observers.

The meeting began as the IDF announced that it had struck a group of Islamic Jihad terrorists who were preparing to fire anti-tank missiles at Israel in Khan Yunis in the southern Gaza Strip.

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