‘New heights of obsession’ in UN inquiry report, says NGO Monitor

The report will “bolster BDS and marginalize Jews that speak out against terrorism and antisemitism,” said the pro-Israel organization.

Navi Pillay, chair of the “United Nations Commission of Inquiry on the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and Israel,” addresses a press conference. Credit: U.N. Photo/Jean-Marc Ferré.

A new report published by a commission of inquiry of the U.N. Human Rights Council is methodologically flawed and reflects “extreme ideological bias.” That’s according to the pro-Israel organization NGO Monitor.

NGO Monitor analyzed the 56-page report of the United Nations Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and in Israel.

The commission “has reached new heights of obsession,” stated Anne Herzberg, NGO Monitor’s legal advisor and U.N. representative. The report “firmly demonstrates that its work is not that of a legitimate investigatory body but rather one engaged in producing disinformation.”

The report will “bolster BDS and marginalize Jews that speak out against terrorism and antisemitism,” she added.

Arsen Ostrovsky, CEO of the International Legal Form, described the report as “another obscene inversion of reality, without any factual or legal basis and where Israel’s guilt was fixed from the outset.”

This sort of “unhinged assault on Israel” has become the Human Rights Council’s status quo, according to Ostrovsky, who accused it of “unrelenting Jew-hatred” for its opposition to the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance’s (IHRA) working definition of antisemitism.

Both Ostrovsky and Herzberg called for the commission of inquiry, which the Israel mission has called a “kangaroo court,” to be defunded.

Content retrieved from: https://www.jns.org/world-news/united-nations/23/6/9/294050/.