
BEIRUT, LEBANON (11:20 A.M.) – In the midst of the events taking place in Syria and the region, the Russian-Syrian military cooperation is being strengthened through new weapons deliveries and supplies.
On Saturday, the Syrian Arab Air Force (SyAAF) received a new batch of MiG-29 jets that were recently modified in Russia before they were handed over at the Hmeimim Airbase in southwest Latakia.
According to a Syrian military source, these planes are more effective than their previous generation and they carried out their flight from the Hmeimim base to military airports across the country.
“Starting on the first of June, the Syrian pilots will start carrying out their rotations scheduled for these planes in Syrian airspace,” the source said.
What is related to this acceleration in military technical cooperation between the two countries?
“The nature of the conflicts and wars taking place in the region, regional and global challenges in the face of terrorism and energy security issues in the world require the Russian and Syrian leaders to strive for high-level coordination, which supports the coalition against terrorism in the first place and supports the confrontation of the global hegemonic forces that seek to control Power and wealth transmission lines,” the source said.
“On the other hand, the acceleration of Russian-Syrian cooperation at this stage indicates the level of threats, challenges and dangers facing the world in the eastern Mediterranean region, specifically in Syria, which means that the region is threatened by more risks of escalation and all countries of the region must rise in the level of performance, coordination and cooperation strategy in the framework of achieving geopolitical goals in the region and facing challenges,” they continued.
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“This support not only strikes a balance of deterrence, but also gives new added value to the ability of the Syrian armed forces to confront terrorism and gives fire and accuracy superiority in the course of the fiery influence, and flexibility, maneuverability and skill,” the source added.
Source: Sputnik Arabic
Content retrieved from: https://www.almasdarnews.com/article/new-syrian-mig-29-jets-will-help-russia-protect-eastern-mediterranean-analyst/.