No Concrete for Gaza After Days of Terror, Fewer Israeli Entry Permits

Hana Levi Julian7 Shevat 5780 – February 2, 2020

Photo Credit: IDF COGAT


Trucks bearing goods arriving at Kerem Shalom Crossing



The Defense Ministry suspended concrete imports into Gaza and cut the number of entry permits into Israel granted to Gazans late Saturday in response to the terror attacks aimed at southern Israel.

Effective Sunday, 500 fewer Gazans will be allowed to enter Israel to conduct business. Up to this point, Gaza was receiving 5,500 commercial entry permits.



“The decision was made following security consultations and in light of repeated terror activity from the Gaza Strip against Israeli citizens over the past weeks, which have represented a violation of Israeli sovereignty,” said the Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT) in a statement.





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