NY Times prints Netanyahu-Trump cartoon with ‘anti-Semitic tropes,’ retracts it

Image included in paper’s international edition shows Israeli PM as a dog guiding a skullcap-wearing US president; paper says it was ‘offensive, an error of judgment’

By TOI STAFFToday, 8:05 pm  1
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A caricature of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and US President Donald Trump published in the New York Times' international edition on April 25, 2019, which the paper later acknowledged "included anti-Semitic tropes." (Courtesy)

A caricature of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and US President Donald Trump published in the New York Times’ international edition on April 25, 2019, which the paper later acknowledged “included anti-Semitic tropes.” (Courtesy)

The New York Times on Saturday acknowledged publishing a caricature in its international edition that it said “included anti-Semitic tropes” and called its use an “error of judgment.” The paper did not explicitly apologize for carrying the cartoon.

The image included in Thursday’s international print edition showed Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as a guide dog wearing a Star of David on his collar, leading a blind US President Donald Trump, seen wearing a skullcap.

In a post to its Twitter page, the Times’ opinion section wrote that the cartoon “included anti-Semitic tropes… The image was offensive, and it was an error of judgment to publish it.

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“It was provided by The New York Times News Service and Syndicate, which has since deleted it.”

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New York Times Opinion


An Editors’ Note to appear in Monday’s international edition.


10:19 AM – Apr 27, 2019
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Israel’s Channel 13 news reported Saturday night that Danny Dayan, Israel’s consul-general in New York, had protested to the newspaper about the cartoon.

Earlier this year Brazilian Jews filed a lawsuit against a cartoonist over a drawing they said was anti-Semitic.

The cartoon featured Netanyahu and Brazil’s new president Jair Bolsonaro in a hug with their arms held in the shape of a swastika. The image by cartoonist Aroeira was published in the O Dia newspaper.

A cartoon by Brazilian artist Aroeira published in January 2019 in the O Dia newspaper, featuring Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (L) and Brazil’s president, Jair Bolsonaro, in a hug with their arms held in the shape of a swastika. (Facebook via JTA)

Similarly in August of 2018, Israel’s ambassador to Norway complained over a Norwegian daily’s use of a cartoon of Netanyahu, which he criticized as anti-Semitic.

That caricature showed Netanyahu, whose body is in the form of a swastika, punching a member of Israel’s Druze minority off a bench reading “whites only.”

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Raphael Schutz 🇮🇱


Today in @dagbladet, an example of the most repulsive imaginable #antisemitic imagery, with Israeli PM portrayed as a Nazi swastika punching off a Druze Israeli from a ‘whites only’ bench.
We demand dagbladet to remove this sickening image and apologize!


12:34 PM – Aug 7, 2018

The image was apparently commenting on recently passed legislation defining Israel as the nation-state of the Jewish people.

Content retrieved from: https://www.timesofisrael.com/ny-times-apologizes-for-printing-netanyahu-cartoon-with-anti-semitic-tropes/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter.