PSALM 30:5__________________________________________
“For His anger is but for a moment, His favor is for life; weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning.”
How can one refuse the love of God? Over his lifetime, the psalmist David learned a great deal about the power of God to protect and deliver. During his career as Israel’s general, he learned that the Lord would sometimes use the hosts of heaven to bring about impossible victories, but David also learned that there was something even greater than powerful miracles; there was the reality of a personal relationship with the Almighty God. David learned through the routine of daily living that God was faithful. He learned that obedience brought blessing and disobedience to the Lord’s instruction brought about discipline. However, David also learned that the times of discipline were but a passing thing, for the Lord doesn’t stay angry for long. David looked to the joy of the Lord’s favor and affection. He knew that the Lord’s heart toward him was for good and for life!
In our own lives, we may see difficulties and trials as a long night of weeping. We may weep over the fact that perhaps we are not doing all that well with the Lord. Maybe we’ve made some decisions that have brought about pain in our lives and in the lives of others. Possibly you’ve been heading in a direction that you know the Lord is not pleased with. You can almost hear Him say, “Stop, turn around and make it right.” If the Lord is speaking to you today, then make this night of weeping a short one by obeying Him. Then, and only then, will you find that joy does come in the morning.
Dear friend, whenever we do as our Heavenly Father asks, He will bless our obedience and pour out His favor. Determine now to do what He says and watch how happy you will be today and every day that you decide to follow and obey Him.
– Pastor Jack