On Martyrs Day the Syrians Renew Pledge to Continue the Struggle to Liberate Occupied Syrian Golan
Marking Martyrs’ Day, the people of Quneitra renewed their pledge to continue the struggle of ancestors as to liberate the occupied Syrian Golan from the Israeli occupation and restore it to the Syrian sovereignty.
Member of People’s Assembly (PA) Janset Kazan, the mother of Martyr Anzour Abaza and head of the People’s Assembly’s Committee for Martyrs and War Victims Affairs, said in a statement to SANA that “the blood of martyrs has bloomed producing victory over terrorism and the Zionist entity which has provided full support for the terrorist groups”. “The martyrs blood is beacon for us and for the coming generation in their fight to protect the homeland against enemies,” she added.
Member of the Quneitra Province Council Mohammad al-Haj, a brother of two martyrs -Fadi al-Haj and Ali al-Haj- talked about the battles launched by the hero Syrian Arab army against the terrorists groups in Quneitra, stressing that many of army personnel were martyred while confronting the takfiri terrorists and defending the homeland.
Mashari Hamoud, the father of martyr Ahmad Hamoud, said that the martyrdom of his son in the war on terrorism and the martyrdom of his other son in the October Liberation War in 1973, affirm that “sons are following the steps of their ancestors”.
Yousef Rekab, a local form Hadar area in Quneitra, said that throughout history, Syria has offered convoys of martyrs in struggle against the Ottoman occupation followed by the French colonialism, the Israeli occupation and currently terrorism. He stressed that the sacred blood of the martyrs has watered the Syrian soil and become an example of giving for the coming generations.
Hamda Mustafa
Content retrieved from: http://syriatimes.sy/index.php/news/local/41537-on-martyrs-day-the-syrians-renew-pledge-to-continue-the-struggle-to-liberate-occupied-syrian-golan?fbclid=IwAR1bki2yzR9k0uYivvbfKzcIjzGPYaQk2nwKLaUsWu0xpj9MqfDmmg_kG6s.