Good morning!
Our encounter with Jesus, is on an individual basis!
He doesn’t deny us of our natural emotions!
We are in a ‘relationship’ with Him! We can be real! He understands! We can cry, sob, laugh, be angry, experience
great depths of sorrow or even mountaintop joy!!
But I want to encourage you to remain steadfast, to Him!
To live as Pilgrims no matter what the circumstances are.
Being driven out of our comfort zone is not easy!
Having your world turned upside down and thinking, ‘I’m going to die’ or ‘I’ll never make it through this one’! Those times can be SO overwhelming and crushing!
In the Book of 1 Peter, Peter writes with HOPE, to the ‘suffering saints.
He prays a Blessing of Grace and Peace unto us that would be MULTIPLIED! (Not just added, but multiplied onto you!)
I love that, because when I am pressed beyond measure, to know His Grace and Peace is multiplied onto me, that gives me HOPE <3
As rough as life can get, we just need to stay the course and keep our eyes on the Lord! (Even when our eyes are blurry from tears <3 As the walls come tumbling down, He will make a way for us to find safety into His arms. When all seems so bleak and we think what could possibly be in THIS to give Him Glory? He brings along a soul, who you can reach with empathy, who would have never known of Christ’s deep love, except through His precious Spirit living in you!
1 Peter 1:7
‘That the trail of your faith, being much more than precious gold that perisheth, though it would tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honor and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ.’
Our ‘works’ (the fruit in our lives) will be examined, by Christ Himself. There will be ‘rewards’ given at the Bema seat judgement. Our Salvation is sealed, but this is the place that we learn our walks here in this world was not in vain or futile!
Look to Him!
Call out to Him!
Keep believing!
Keep trusting!
Your faith is more precious than gold to your Abba Father.
If you think about this, great faith isn’t doing something crazy! It’s being obedient at all costs! Life is NOT smooth sailing but about enduring the storm and remembering, He will NEVER leave you or forsake you! <3
When we think that our lives can’t possibly matter, He is faithful to bring beauty out of ashes <3
Be Blessed today, you are loved by Jesus Christ <3
Sherrill Byrne