Pondering Thoughts

I have been born from above Christ lives in me. I still have the old man operating in the flesh. I realize that I don’t want to give up that part of me. I also realize I don’t have the faith I say I do.

My flesh is saying to me God cannot give you what I can. This is a lie. I know this. I’m bringing this lie of darkness into the light so it does not have it’s power over me.

My flesh is calling God a liar and I weep over this.
It is a rather shocking experience to be brought into the TRUTH – this is the Truth about ourselves — and the Truth of why the Cross is essential. It is not easy to lose one’s self-righteousness, that is, our self right-ness. Yet it is all as garbage — Phil. 3.

We never know specifically what will come out of surrender, but we do know it will be Christ. The flesh will never cease to be present in this age and the flesh will never shut up. But as we grow to know Him, we learn to ignore it and walk with Christ.


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