
BEIRUT, LEBANON (8:10 A.M.) – A large ammunition depot exploded in the town of Rumeilan in the eastern countryside of Qamishli, local sources reported on Sunday.
According to reports, the ammunition depot, which belongs to the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), resulted in a number of deaths and injuries within the ranks of the SDF.
Local sources said that “an explosion occurred in a weapons and ammunition storage inside the industrial zone in the town of Rumeilan,” noting that it was followed by a series of explosions that continued for a long time and resulted in the death and injury of dozens of SDF fighters.
This explosion took place near the U.S. military base in Rumeilan and the town’s corresponding oil fields, which are occupied by the American forces.
The sources added that the SDF has since imposed a curfew on the entire town, in conjunction with the flight of American planes at a low altitude over the Al-Qamishli countryside.
The reason for the explosion has not been revealed.
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Content retrieved from: https://www.almasdarnews.com/article/powerful-explosion-rocks-northeastern-syria-near-us-base-video/.