Presidential Message on Hanukkah 2019

December 22, 2019

Melania and I send our warmest wishes to Jewish people in the United States, Israel, and across the world as you commence the 8-day celebration of Hanukkah.

More than 2,000 years ago, the Maccabees boldly reclaimed the Holy Temple in Jerusalem, securing a victory for the Jewish people and their faith.  They proudly lit the menorah to rededicate the Second Temple.  Even though there was only enough olive oil to burn for one day, through divine providence, the flames miraculously burned for eight nights.

As the Jewish community gathers together to celebrate this special and sacred time of year, we are reminded of God’s message of hope, mercy, and love.  Throughout the coming eight days, each candle to be lit on the menorah will signal to the world that freedom and justice will always shine brighter than hate and oppression.

Today, the relationship between the United States and Israel, one of our most cherished allies and friends, is stronger than ever.  We will continue to stand with the Jewish people in defending the God-given right to worship freely and openly.

As our Jewish brothers and sisters gather around the menorah each night, we pray for a memorable and blessed celebration of the Festival of Lights.  May the light of the menorah and the fellowship of family and friends fill your hearts with happiness and a renewed sense of faith.

Happy Hanukkah!

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