Putin to Meet with Turkish, Iranian Counterparts in Tehran

Hana Levi Julian14 Tammuz 5782 – July 12, 2022

Photo Credit: Kremlin.ru

Russian President Vladimir Putin meets with Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas. January 2022

Russia’s President Vladimir Putin is set to meet with Turkey’s President Tayyip Recep Erdogan and Iran’s President Ebrahim Raisi next week in Tehran.

Erdogan and Raisi are both strong supporters of the Palestinian Authority, as is Putin.



The Russian leader is expected to arrive next Tuesday in Iran for the trilateral meeting, according to Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov.

This will be Putin’s second foreign trip since the start of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine on Feb. 24.

The Russian leader traveled to Central Asia last month.

All three presidents also represent the three guarantor states of the Astana process intended to reach a peace agreement in Syria.

No agenda was publicized.


Content retrieved from: https://www.jewishpress.com/news/breaking-news/putin-to-meet-with-turkish-iranian-counterparts-in-tehran/2022/07/12/?fbclid=IwAR0XrHzauASI4MDLLuI33vdLH8mfGieh7P-cR0CfC7jzgduY6qCWX91BvCY.