Ra’am MKs boycott Knesset votes, threaten to dismantle government


JULY 11, 2021 12:29

 Ra’am (United Arab List) MK Mazen Ghanaim gave an interview to a KAN 11 Arabic radio show threatening that he will dismantle the coalition if the government carries out attacks in Gaza, N12 reported on Sunday.

The Ra’am MK also reportedly commented on the Citizenship Law, calling it a racist law directly causing the suffering of 20,000 Palestinian families.

“There is no love story between Mansour Abbas and the new government,” said Ghanaim, according to N12. “Bennett and Netanyahu? Both as bad as each other. The Israeli media was recruited by the government,” he reportedly claimed.

Another Ra’am MK, Walid Taha, tweeted on Sunday that he informed the coalition that Ra’am party would not participate in committee meetings or vote on laws until further notice.


הודעתי לקואליציה שחברי הכנסת של רע״מ לא ישתתפו בדיוני הועדות ולא יצביעו על חוקים במליאה עד להודעה חדשה!

— وليد طه – ווליד טאהא – Waleed Taha (@Waleedt68) July 11, 2021

Ra’am insiders are under the impression that Ra’am is doing more for the government than the government is doing for Ra’am, according to N12.
It is worth noting that IDF has already carried out several missions in the Gaza Strip since the new government was formed, despite Ghanaim’s comments.

Content retrieved from: https://www.jpost.com/breaking-news/raam-mks-boycott-knesset-votes-threaten-to-dismantle-government-673480.

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