

Redemption is the restoration of all things under God – central to which is the restoration of MAN back to God. God finished this restoration in and through His Son, Jesus Christ.

The way back to God is not by adopting a body of teaching. It is not by finding a religion with which I can be comfortable. It is not by finding the right spiritual guru and submitting myself to him. The only way back to God is through THE WAY – Jesus Christ. I am restored back to God only if Jesus Christ makes Himself one with me personally – only if Christ dwells in me; only if I am joined to Him spiritually.

Do not confuse the words, “redemption,” and, “restoration,” with the word, “repair.” Jesus did not come to repair, cure, or fix the old creation. He did not bring the Adam race back to life AS the old Adam race. Rather, Jesus came to put a final end to the Adam race and the old creation, and thus, He ushered in a NEW creation. If any man be IN CHRIST, he is a NEW creation. Old things are passed away….all things have become NEW. (II Cor. 5:17)

I’m not sure there could be any statement that more fully expresses the finality of the Redemption. Death and resurrection are unto a new creation. Old things have been left behind in death – making it possible for us to be restored back to God.

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