Remember something..

That enemy is going to work hard to make you feel worthless..
Insecure.. Defeated.. and a down right Failure..
But God takes us JUST AS WE ARE..
Broken and Lost.. Insecure and Bruised..
He comes to us is all that Shame and Despair..
He comes into us and makes us whole..
it doesn’t take a minute or a day..
It is a lifetime transformation..
Don’t be looking at others in envy..
That someone has more or is more..
Your story is yours..
Your growth is yours..
Keep those eyes on Him..
Devote your life to honoring His Holy name..
Stand against the ways of the world..
It’s hard.. it’s real hard..
But greater is the one.. who stands for truth then anything in this world..
The battle is real.. But the war is already won..
and Eternity is calling..
All glory to God..
In every little thing..

-Lori Brough

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