Report: Israel and Hamas mulling exchange deal during one-month truce in Gaza

Reuters reporting that Israel offered to end the war if Sinwar and five other Hamas leaders leave Gaza. Hamas rejected the proposal.

Israel National News

Israel National News

  Jan 24, 2024, 12:40 AM (GMT+2)
Yahya Sinwar


Yahya Sinwar
Yahya SinwarAttia Muhammed/Flash 90

Israel and Hamas broadly agree in principle that an exchange of Israeli hostages for Palestinian Arab prisoners could take place during a month-long ceasefire, Reuters reported on Tuesday, citing three sources.

The sources added, however, that the framework plan is being held up by the two sides’ differences over how to bring a permanent end to the Gaza war.

One of the sources said the disagreements about the length of an initial ceasefire have narrowed to around 30 days, after Hamas had first proposed a pause of several months.

However, Hamas has refused to move forward with the plans until the future conditions of a permanent ceasefire are agreed, other sources told Reuters.

While Israel has sought to negotiate one stage at a time, Hamas is seeking “a package deal” that agrees a permanent ceasefire before hostages are released during the initial phase, said one of the sources.

Two Egyptian security sources said that there was work underway to convince Hamas to accept a one-month truce to be followed by a permanent ceasefire. However, Hamas is requesting guarantees that the second phase of the deal would be carried out, in order to agree to the initial truce, the sources told Reuters.

Five sources said Israel had refused to discuss any end to the war that did not include Hamas being dismantled.

One offer by Israel is to end the war if Hamas removes six senior leaders from Gaza, including the group’s top two leaders, Yahya Sinwar and Mohammed Deif, one source told Reuters, adding Hamas “absolutely” rejected the proposal.

The source said the list included the masterminds of Hamas’ Oct. 7 attacks on Israel,

On Monday, Axios reported that Israel has given Hamas a proposal, through Qatari and Egyptian mediators, that includes up to two months of a pause in the fighting as part of a multi-phase deal that would include the release of all remaining hostages held in Gaza.

Israeli officials said they are waiting for a response from Hamas but stressed they are cautiously optimistic about the ability to make progress in the coming days.


Later, CNN reported that Israel has proposed that Hamas senior leaders could leave Gaza as part of a broader ceasefire agreement.

According to the report, Israel’s suggestion was discussed as part of broader ceasefire negotiations at least twice in recent weeks. However, Qatari Prime Minister Mohammed bin Abdulrahman al Thani said that the Israeli idea “would never work”.

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