Report: Likud offers Blue and White to scrap rotation deal for passing budget

24NEWSNovember 27, 2020, 05:23 AM

FILE - Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (R) and alternate Defense Minister Benny Gantz speaking at the Knesset during a swearing-in ceremony of the new government in Jerusalem, on May 17, 2020
FILE – Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (R) and alternate Defense Minister Benny Gantz speaking at the Knesset during a swearing-in ceremony of the new government in Jerusalem, on May 17, 2020
Knesset Spokesperson Office via AFP / Adina ValmanFILE – Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (R) and alternate Defense Minister Benny Gantz speaking at the Knesset during a swearing-in ceremony of the new government in Jerusalem, on May 17, 2020

Compromise raised in order to avoid fourth Israeli elections in the span of two years

The Likud and Blue and White parties are holding behind-the-scenes negotiations in order to find a compromise over the state budget and prevent another round of elections for parliament, which would be Israel’s fourth in two years, outlet N12 reported Friday.

The report suggests that the compromise would see the government pass a budget for 2021 but will kill the rotation deal between Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister and Alternate Prime Minister Benny Gantz.

Another point of contention is the coalition agreement clause which puts Gantz as prime minister in the interim period between the Knesset’s (Israel Parliament) dissolvement and the newly elected government.

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N12 noted that members in Gantz’s party strongly object to a compromise that will revoke the rotation agreement.

On Thursday, Netanyahu referred to reports estimating Israel is heading toward another election, placing the blame on Blue and White for not honoring the coalition agreements.

“If we see a different approach from Blue and White and cooperation instead of a government within a government then we will be able to continue to work together,” he said.

In response, Blue and White released a message criticizing the Israeli premier, saying “The one who is violating agreements, freezes appointments and prevents a state budget due to political and personal interests for months is Benjamin Netanyahu.”

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