Revelation Message 52 The 75 Day Interval After the Tribulation

In this video Dr Woodhead discusses Scripture (Daniel 12:11-12) giving the duration of the interval. The first half of the Tribulation is 1,260 days (3 ½ years) which is the duration of the time between two significant events. They are the signing of the covenant with Israel by the Antichrist initiating the Great Tribulation and the Abomination of Desolation which is the mid point event. Scripture also tells us that the last half of the Tribulation will be 1,260 days counting from the Abomination of Desolation to the demise of the Antichrist. This is a total of seven years. The Daniel passage gives us two additional figures. The first is 1,290 days, or an additional thirty days, during which time the Abomination of Desolation will remain in the Temple before it is removed. The second figure is 1,335 days which as another 45 days beyond the 1,290 and 75 days beyond the 1,260 days. A special blessing is pronounced upon those who survive to the 1,335th day. The blessing is that those who survive will enter into the Messianic kingdom. Many will not make it that far, even though they made it to the end of the Tribulation. There are at least nine events during this 75 day period. The removal of the Abomination of Desolation The Antichrist’s final destination The False Prophet’s final destination Satan’s Sentence to be bound for 1,000 years. The Judgment of the Gentiles The Resurrection of the Old Testament Saints The Resurrection of the Tribulation Saints The First Resurrection The Marriage Feast of the Lamb (this is the formal start of the Millennium)

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