Revelation Message 61 Aspects of the Messianic Kingdom

In this video Dr Woodhead discusses various aspects of the Messianic Kingdom. The New Covenant is launched, The Land Covenant is realized and Jesus sits on David’s Throne in fulfillment of the Davidic Covenant. David is promised that he will be the head of a dynasty. After he died the throne would go to on to one of his sons, which was Solomon. The kingdom would be established in his hand or reign. Solomon built the temple and God then established His eternal throne not for Solomon but for Himself. Even though Solomon sinned God love was loyal and was not removed as it was during Saul’s reign. Nevertheless, the Davidic House also known as a Dynasty, the Davidic Throne and the Davidic Kingdom will be eternal. The Jews return to the land and the various branches of the Kingdom Government are introduced.


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