Reverence vs. Being Afraid


“The fear of the Lord,” as stated in the Bible, is never, “being afraid of the Lord.” Being afraid of God is the wrong kind of fear of God. The true, “fear of the Lord,” is a REVERENCE of God.
All of the wrong kind of fear of God goes back to somewhere that I have embraced a lie about Him. The Truth about God is, “God is love.” Furthermore, “there is no fear in love.” (I Jn. 4:18) So there can be nothing about God that could make us afraid. Indeed, perfect love casts OUT fear – and so that means that the presence of God, knowing God, and believing God, will cast OUT fear – rather than bring into us the wrong kind of fear. If I know God in Truth, I will REVERE Him — but will never BE AFRAID of Him.
Paul wrote, “For God has not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.“ (2 Tim 1:7) Fear is not merely an emotion – although it can affect our emotions. Fear is a spirit – a spirit that is of the kingdom of darkness.
What this means is that no matter how strongly we FEEL AFRAID of God — those feelings are LIES. Many do not understand how we can be controlled by such feelings — the feelings are REAL and the feelings are strong. But the feelings are LIES. They are not the Truth — Jesus Christ is the Truth. Here we see the need for an inward realization of Jesus Christ that will cut through emotions and govern us — despite emotions — in the Truth.
The first impact upon Adam of his sin and alienation from God was fear – he was afraid and hid himself from God. Being afraid of God makes us want to hide from Him. But reverence for God makes us want to draw near to Him.
Paul is saying that the spirit of fear is never from God. Thus, if I am afraid of God, I believe a lie about Him, or I have let in the spirit of fear.

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